IMPORTANT info for anyone having done a home hair colour during COVID-19 Lock Down
Our re-open date of July 4th is getting closer and closer….the excitement is just like waiting for Santa to arrive with a sack full of presents.
If you are booked in for a colour then there are a couple of things you need to be aware of prior to your colour service at Caprio’s.
If you have coloured your hair at home during lock down then YOU NEED TO LET US KNOW.
We’re not going to tell you off we simply need to carry out a Skin Test to make sure you don’t have an allergic or sensitivity reaction after using another brand of hair colour.
Some hair dyes are not happy about being used on top of another hair dye brand, Nice & Easy is the worst! Again if you have coloured your hair at home YOU NEED TO LET US KNOW so we can arrange for you to visit the salon and we can carry out a Compatibility Test as well as a Skin Test for you.
We’ve all waited so long to get our greys covered, blonde toned, bold and bright shades freshened and our dark roots lightened, the last thing we want is to have to refuse to do your colour because you didn’t tell us you’ve dabbled with home colour during lock down. Not only this but our time is even more precious now than ever before and lost appointment time isn’t something anybody can afford.
*Simply CALL THE SALON on 01384 402890 and we will arrange a SKIN TEST/COMPATABILITY TEST for you prior to your salon visit. These tests have to be carried out at least 48hrs prior to your appointment.
For those of you that have been camouflaging your root re-growth with a coloured spray or powder then this info is for you….
*YOU NEED TO WASH THIS OUT the night before you colour appointment.
*These products have served their purpose and most likely been a god send to a lot of you, however, they can cause a barrier against hair colour and therefore do need washing out before we can successfully colour your hair. If this isn’t done then your roots may appear transparent in areas due the colour formula not being able to penetrate the layer of spray/powder.
*Don’t wash this out the morning of the day you are booked in with us because ,without getting too sciencie, washing your hair too close to a colour service can make the scalp sensitive which in turn might make the scalp tingle as the colour formula is applied. This can sometimes be confused with an allergic reaction or worse, mask what is an actual allergic reaction. All very technical I know but important nevertheless.
Finally, if you HAVE had Coronavirus our COLOUR MASTER Jodie recommends you have a have a SKIN TEST prior to your appointment due to the change in your Immune System. Some medication or changes to our hormones or immune system can make us more sensitive and even mildly allergic to things we wouldn’t usually be allergic too.
*If you have been tested positive, hospitalised or quite poorly with COVID-19 please call us. We will arrange a SKIN TEST for you.

We take the Health & Safety of our Clients very seriously and are doing everything physically possible to ensure we provide you with a top notch, professional but enjoyable service. We hope you’re as excited as we are at opening the Salon once again.
With Love from
Jo & Team Caprio’s XX