We are in TIER 3

Caprio’s Hair Studio is located in Kingswinford which is as you know in the West Midlands. We come under Dudley Borough and therefore as of Wednesday 2nd December 2020 will be released from Coronavirus Lock Down in TIER 3
TIER 3 is the Highest Level of Alert! But fear not we are doing everything within our power to ensure our salon is COVID SECURE. There are former articles that explain our Covid Secure Procedures so please take a moment to read them if you haven’t already.
So TIER 3….the government website states and is reiterated by The Federation of Hair & Beauty the following:
- If you live in a tier 2 are, you must continue to follow tier 2 rules when you travel to a tier 1 area. Avoid travel to or overnight stays in tier 3 areas other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment or because of caring responsibilities . You can travel through a tier 3 area as part of a longer journey
We have clients that visit us from Bridgnorth, Claverly, Kiddermister as far as the Wyre Forrest. With this mind we have gone out of our way to open on Sunday 20th December to accommodate these clients.
We have chosen the 20th because the Government are reviewing the TIER’S on 17th December 2020. We hope by this time we will be on the same level as all our clients. Hopefully we will have gone down to their tier and they hopefully haven’t gone up!
Following the Tier Rules is no different to any other Health & Safety Regulation……. Skin Testing before a colour is a H&S regulation as is reporting accidents in the work place, Track & Trace, this is no different but IT IS a pain and IT IS inconvenient but at the end of the day if it helps to keep us all safe then so be it.
We are doing everything we can to follow the guidelines and then some. By doing so (and providing everyone does so too) we can all get to some form of normality in 2021.
If you have any questions regarding your hair appointment or have concerns about visiting us once we are released then PLEASE PLEASE do not hesitate to pick up the phone and speak to us.
We very much look forward to seeing you in salon soon