We’re BACK!

As from Thursday 3rd December the salon WILL BE RE-OPENING it’s doors from the second Coronavirus Lock Down period.
I am very grateful to the Government for recognizing that the majority of Salons are one of the most Covid secure environments to visit. Your visit to our salon has been set up in such a way that you will be at a safe 2 meters distance from anyone else visiting the salon and the sanitisation of every touch point is our No1 priority.
We haven’t relaxed any of our Covid-19 Health & Safety procedures and we still control the amount of clients in the salon at any one time to a maximum of 6 Clients.
The salon is in Tier 3 at the moment so if you are scheduled to visit our salon and you are in a different Tier to us then you will need to read the next article explaining how this will effect you.
With Christmas just around the corner and the general doom and gloom of the current lifestyle we are all experiencing eating a way at us, getting your hair done is important for your own emotional state of mind. If you feel good about your hair then you feel good about yourself. Our aim is to lift your spirits this festive season and even though it’s going to take on a different theme this year, Christmas is a time for joy and happiness.
Our Christmas tree is glittering away in a desperate bid of easing a smile onto everyone’s face that glances at it. Our Team are happy to get back to work and I’m sure a lot of you are eager to get your hair back into ship shape.
Yes it may be different this year, Yes there are restrictions on seeing our loved ones and yes life is pretty pants right now but you know what…… at least we are here to see 2020 out and 2021 in. Bring it on…..2021 we are READY FOR YOU!!!!

We very much look forward to seeing you in salon soon XX