Now would be a good time for you to check if you need to stock up on any Hair Care products. With the talk of tougher restrictions possibly coming into force my concern is that I may not be able to offer a Click & Collect service for much longer. With large stores such as John Lewis putting a halt on their Click & Collect service it might not be long before this is rolled out for all stores. I do hope I’m wrong but I also appreciate the reasons for having to do this. We must stay at home as much as possible.
If you are in need, or feel you will be in need, of replenishing your much loved and needed hair care products then please get in touch.
The same procedure will apply as previous Lock Downs:
1) Email your order to
2) You will receive an invoice for payment
3) Pay either on collection OR via BACS
4) Collection date will be arranged
If you have any concerns regarding the condition of your hair or need advice on which professional products we offer to help maintain either blonde, vibrant red/copper colours or to help prevent brassy tones creeping into Ombre/Balayage colours then please do not hesitate to ask. If it’s grey roots you’re battling with then there are temporary solutions available if you haven’t already got this issue in hand from previous lock downs.
If your hair is a bold fashion shade such as vibrant or pastel pink, purple, orange or red then we do stock coloured conditioners to revitalised the colour vibrancy.
The last thing we want is for you to buy the wrong products or dabble with home DIY colouring if there’s a simply solution we offer. DIY colouring just makes our job harder on your next visit to the salon, plus, it might be more costly for you in the long run should we need to rectify it at a later date in salon.
So…. go check you bathroom cabinet and email over any purchase requests.
Thank you for your support, purchasing your shampoo, conditioner and styling products from the salon plays a huge part in helping us to stay in business. Not only that but our team of hair experts will recommend the right range for your hair type, that’s certainly not a service offered in the local supermarkets. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people starring at the hundreds of shampoo and conditioners lining the shelves at local superstores to end up making a choice based on how pretty the bottle is, what it smells like or which is the cheapest, only to discover it doesn’t suit their hair type at all and having to buy another one.
You know how the saying goes….buy cheap , buy twice!
If we have any promotions on I will let you know so you don’t miss out on any free goodies.
So until we meet again, thank you thank you thank you, for taking the time to visit our website and read the articles within it. Hopefully they will help you to look after your hair whilst we are closed. I know I speak for all the Team at Caprio’s as well as myself when I say ….we really do miss you!
Best Wishes
Jo & Team Caprio’s